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Online WebinarPitching in English

    February 7 at 19:00 in Zoom
    duration 1,5 hours 
    featuring a guest speaker from Ciklum

What is a Pitch?

A pitch is a short presentation that answers the questions:

● What do you have to offer? ● Why should a customer buy your product or service? ● Why should an investor or business owner take a chance on you?


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Why Mastering Pitching Matters

Get investment for your business

Sell your ideas effectively, persuade a business partner to go into business with you, get funding for your start-up, get buy-in from key team members

Sell your ideas effectively

Convince workers, managers, and investors that an out-of-the-box idea is the best course of action, potentially producing more revenue and business expansion

Persuade a client to purchase

The most common pitch type is a shortened sales presentation where a salesperson convinces a customer to buy their product or service. 

Get ahead in the workplace

Get noticed for suggesting an innovative solution at work, convince your boss to give you a raise 

Our Hosts

Oksana Skoromna

Oksana Skoromna

CEO and Founderat Career English School

7 years as CEO and founder of Career English School.Author of Agile English course for tech professionals.7+ years experience as a Product and Project Manager in banking.2+ years leading a tech startup in supply chain management. Has 2 degrees in Linguistics and Banking.

Anna Daliuk

Anna Daliuk

Data Scientist/Gen AI Engineerat Ciklum

Has more than 6 years in the IT industry. Skilled in software development processes, intelligent automation, data science and machine learning. Passionate about AI-powered solutions, quantum computing and participating in hackathons. Currently working on her own startup.


What will you get to know on our webinar?

  • 1. Different types of pitches

  • 2. Pitching isn't just for entrepreneurs. Where else can you apply your pitching skills?

  • 3. Universal pitch structure

  • 4. Common pitching mistakes and how to avoid them

  • 5. Online resources for mastering pitching and inspiration

  • 6. Anna Daliuk, a Data scientist/Gen AI engineer from Ciklum, sharing her personal journey and experience in mastering pitching

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Don't miss the Pitching Night Event!

Level up your Pitching Skills in EnglishFebruary 21 at 7 pm Kyiv time, Zoom

Do you want to excel in pitching your ideas in English? Do you have a pet project or a startup that you want to present to potential investors or partners? If yes, then you don't want to miss our Pitching Night event!

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