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Pitching Night

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What is a Pitch?

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A pitch is a short, compelling presentation that answers the questions:

● What do you have to offer?
● Why should a customer buy your product or service?
● Why should an investor or business owner take a chance on you?

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Who can you pitch to?Understand your audience and you will make a better pitch.


"The only way to get good at pitching is to pitch." 

David S. Rose

angel investor and author of The Startup Pitch

"Pitching isn't only about selling your idea, it's about selling yourself." 

 Carmine Gallo

communication coach and author of The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

"Pitching is storytelling with a purpose." 

Peter Coughter

advertising executive and author of The Art of the Pitch

What is "Pitching Night"?

Pitching Night is an online event where anyone can showcase their ideas, services, or skills to a panel of 3 experts and a live audience. You will have 3 minutes to pitch after that you will get questions and feedback from the jurors. 
If you don't have anything to pitch or are not ready to pitch, you are welcome to join us as a listener. You can learn from the pitches, the feedback, and the questions, and get inspired for your future projects.


Schedule of Pitching Night Events 2024

choose the date and secure your spot right now!

Why Mastering Pitching Matters

Sell your ideas effectively

Convince workers, managers, and investors that an out-of-the-box idea is the best course of action, potentially producing more revenue and business expansion

Get promotion in the workplace

Get noticed for suggesting an innovative solution at work, convince your boss to give you a raise 

Persuade a client to purchase

The most common pitch type is a shortened sales presentation where a salesperson convinces a customer to buy their product or service. 

Get investment for your business

Sell your ideas effectively, persuade a business partner to go into business with you, get funding for your start-up, get buy-in from key team members

To pitch or to listen: that is the question...


Why to pitch?

Pitching forces you to articulate your concept clearly, helping you identify and address weaknesses.

    Practice your pitching skills
    Boost confidence
    Refine your idea

Why to listen?

Listening to others' pitches offers insights into various industries and innovative ideas.

    Learning opportunity
    Discover trends

Pitching Night May 21 Participants


Oleh Polotskyi

Project Manager

Pitch topic: “Power of AI for Project Managers”

● Passionate Project Manager, specialising in cybersecurity solutions.● 10+ years of experience and ICAgile certifications (ICP-APM, ICP-ATF).● Skilled in project planning, team leadership, and stakeholder communication.● Dedicated to driving digital transformation and delivering value to clients worldwide.


Bohdan Kononchuk

Fractional CTO
Senior Software Engineer

Pitch topic: “My Startup”

● Java Techie● 10 years of experience in Backend● 7 years in SE● Building New Tech for Innovative Solutions● He has actively worked with AWS (SQS, S3, Cognito, Lambda), Spring Boot/Cloud/Security, Azure DevOps, K8S, and many more technologies.


Fred Weigman

Native speaker
Private ESL Instructor

Pitch topic: “My Startup - Speakarama”

● Native English Canadian/American speaker from Vancouver, Canada● Has CELTA/TESOL certification● 5 years of English teaching experience

Olha Shandra

Olha Shandra

NLP Engineer

Pitch topic: “From an idea to AI-powered product”

● NLP engineer at Tenetix● Gen AI enthusiast with 1+ year in Natural Language Processing● Have 8+ years of language teaching experience

Olha Shandra

Oleksandr Antonenko

Backend Developer

Pitch topic: “Goal: From Junior Dev to Engineering Manager in 3 years”

● Quit IT in 2012● Returned to IT in 2022

Olha Shandra

Vira Lypovska

Personal Coach

Pitch topic: “How to Remain in a State of Fulfillment Even When Everything Goes Wrong”

● Coach for experts● Certified psychotherapist● Moderator of mastermind groups● Speaker and invited expert in educational projects

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Want to pitch with us?

Press the button and submit the topic of your pitch!

Requirements for Pitches

Don't miss your chance to refine your pitching skills and connect with like-minded professionals



Make sure you are well-prepared and ready to present rather than read your pitch from the screen



Each pitch is limited to 3 min. Follow-up questions and feedback not more than 15 min


Extra materials

Presentation as well as other extra materials are not required. All we need is your pitch

"The best pitches are those that not only sell a product but also tell a story worth remembering."

Peter Thiel

entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and author, known for co-founding PayPal and for his investments in technology companies.

"Your pitch should be a journey that takes your audience from 'I don't know' to 'I can't wait to get started."

Chris Anderson

curator of TED Talks, renowned for his work in spreading ideas through short, powerful presentations

"A great pitch is not about convincing others; it's about sharing your passion and inspiring them to join your journey."

Arianna Huffington

co-founder of The Huffington Post and an author, known for her work on well-being and productivity.


Don't miss your chance to refine your pitching skills and connect with like-minded professionals

To pitch 


Secure your spot as a presenter 

To listen

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Don't have a pitch but want to get insights? 

Why Pitching Night?

Pitching your tech ideas in English can be challenging, but it's an essential skill for everyone. At Pitching Night, you'll have a unique opportunity to:

 Practice your Pitch

Get a dry run of your pitch and receive feedback from our expert panel of jurors


Our panel includes industry leaders with diverse backgrounds

Get potential clients

You'll get the tips on creating an impactful pitch deck and structuring your presentation

This is how our 1st Pitching Night Went

Learn about our great lineup and their topics

Our Hosts

Oksana Skoromna

Oksana Skoromna

CEO and Founder

Career English School

7 years as CEO and founder of Career English School.Author of Agile English course for tech professionals.7+ years experience as a Product and Project Manager in banking.2+ years leading a tech startup in supply chain management. Has 2 degrees in Linguistics and Banking.

Taras Tanygin

Taras Tanygin

Independent business consultant, serial founder, startup mentor


I have been working as a business consultant for over 20 years, in almost all areas of business. In the last 2 years alone, I have helped 200+ companies, startups and entrepreneurs to create or accelerate their business development as a management consultant, mentor, and expert.I have been running my own startups for over 6 years. I have extensive experience in running my own software development and service businesses.

Anna Daliuk

Anna Daliuk

Data Scientist/Gen AI Engineer


Has more than 6 years in the IT industry. Skilled in software development processes, intelligent automation, data science and machine learning. Passionate about AI-powered solutions, quantum computing and participating in hackathons. Currently working on her own startup.


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Want to become a partner?

Want to team up for Pitching Night? Share the information about the event, and we'll make sure our attendees learn all about your business. It's a simple way to get noticed and make new connections


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